Saturday, September 11, 2010

Quilts and an update

Been working on a few projects lately and thought I'd share:

A Final Fantasy quilt for Jason, which I am designing and planning myself.

It will eventually have 6 blocks and look something like this:

And to give an idea of scale, each pixel is an inch square, and each block is about 22x29 inches. It's huge!

Also in progress is something I've been wanting to do for a while from a pattern:

Although I've changed up the colors a bit:

I was thinking I wanted to do this as a sort of follow-along blog, but I'm having a hard enough time finding time to do just the sewing part that I may end up just posting after I'm done. I will try to get more pictures though, as I've completed a few of the smaller blocks, and the colors look fantastic.

As far as the other part of my life (i.e. work, school, my future... you know, all that minor stuff.), I'm busy as hell, but enjoying the change of pace.

I got my promotion at Bass, so I've been a floor supervisor for a while now. Learning lots, taking on new responsibilities and I haven't screwed up too badly yet, so that's going well.

Finishing up the final bits needed for school at the end of September. Got a schedule, a practicum position, just need to get onto campus and get books, figure out where stuff is, get an ID card, etc. Figuring out the bus system would be good, too.

My practicum position came up pretty suddenly. I hadn't realized that I needed to find a position so quickly, so I had only followed up on one lead, was taking my time, and then I get an email from one of the program directors saying I needed to get my butt in gear. My lead didn't work out, so with some follow-up emailing with the director I got an interview at Families for Effective Autism Treatment of Washington (FEAT). The Preschool/Kindergarten program director really liked me and offered me a position on the spot. So I'm working in a classroom of fourteen 3-7 year-old autistic children as a paraprofessional or paraeducator. I'm running ABA intervention programs with kids on a one-on-one basis and learning an amazing amount of stuff. 

So my schedule right now is a bit nuts. I work Monday to Friday 8-4:30 at FEAT, I'm closing a few nights a week, and working full weekend days at Bass. Once school starts at the end of the month I'll be dropping weeknights at Bass and going to classes four evenings a week starting at 4:30, which means I'll need to leave FEAT (which is in Bellevue) early on those days to commute to Seattle. It's going to be a very busy but fulfilling year!

So anyway, I thought I'd give y'all an update as it's been a while since I actually posted anything of substance here. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. First!

    Best of luck in your endeavors this year! And awesome quilts, wink wink!
